
by Tiffany

First comic Latest comic

Welcome to Randomity! I'm your host, Tiffany. :) In any case, this is a strangely created comic strip. The characters change every so often, and so does the style of the strip. There are only continuing storylines when I wish there to be continuing storylines, and it's generally just a random strip. Hence the name. :) And I'm sorry it's not much, and the page will have a strange layout, but I can't STAND the tags Keenspace uses, so I do my page a little differently. :)

Cast Page


Day Six

June 4: Sorry for the short hiatus, folks. Computer problems, health problems, and the like. But, It'll return on Friday, June 8! See ya then! ::bounce::

Day Five!

Day Four!

Day Three!

Day Two!

Day One!

Randomity is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.